Visa après mariage ?



salut à tous,

je vais me marier bientot avec un jeune homme de nationalité chinoise, je suis actuellement en possession d'un visa F, ai je encore besoin d'un visa apres le mariage et si oui, lequel demander? merci de vos reponses rapides.
Je suis marrie avec une chinoise et je prends toujours le visa F, pas de formalités peu cher et tres simple pour l'obtenir.
Je trouve que pour moi c'est la meilleur solution.
merci de vos réponses.... C'est la premiere fois que j'entends parlé d'un visa D (je me suis renseignée depuis. Ne serait ce pas un visa L longue durée ?

Qu'est ce que c'est que ce visa D???? quel droit et quel devoirs donne t il? (et oui je suis mariée maintenant ca y
merci de vos réponses.... C'est la premiere fois que j'entends parlé d'un visa D (je me suis renseignée depuis. Ne serait ce pas un visa L longue durée ?

Qu'est ce que c'est que ce visa D???? quel droit et quel devoirs donne t il? (et oui je suis mariée maintenant ca y
Visa D connais pas mais pour le Visa tu peux le renouveler tout les ans sans probleme juste qu'il te demande une tonne de paperasse. Et il n'y a aucun probleme pour le faire et le prix je sais pas si c'est partout en Chine le meme j'ai paye 160 RMB pour un an. Voila aucun probleme ne t'inquiete pas, je suis marie avec une chinoise et mei wanti pour le visa, mais si tu as le visa F vaux mieux le garder tranquillement tout depend si tu bosses ou pas en Chine
Que tu sois marié a une Chinoise ou un Chinois et que tu désires vivre ici le Visa le plus simple est le Visa L de 12 mois 169Y pour une sortie ,652 Y un multiple, avec ce visa tu n`as pas le droit de travailler ici.

Pour l`obtention du visa L (couple) a Shanghai
-Bail de location +copie
-Feuille de ton enregistrement à la police + copie
-Acte de mariage +copie (traduit et certifié par les deux pays si tu t`es marié en France )
-Carte de résident ou livret d`information de l`époux chinois/ l`épouse chinoise +copie
-Deux photos
-Délai 5 jours à 1 semaine
oui merci lou et lou pour tes infos si précises, de mon coté, ça y est j'ai eu les infos du bureau des visas à beijing (ils ont fait ça bien, j'ai le petit imprimé en chinois et en anglais donc effectivement :

_ Livret de mariage (je me suis mariée en Chine donc pas besoin de traduction, mais ils demandent les traductions par cabinet de notaire pour les papiers venant de l'etranger)
-Certificat de résidence sur pékin (enregistrement à la police locale il faut que je le refasse car mon numéro de passeport à changé)
- certificat de résidence de mon époux (car il n'est pas né à beijing donc il faut qu'il prouve sa présence ici, sinon oui c'est son hukou.)
- carte d'identité de mon époux
- passeport
- 1 photo d'identité conforme aux normes pour les visas

(comme quoi il y a quelques différences d'avec Shanghai : enregistrement à la police et non bail, une seule photo...)

pour le prix : un mois 160 kuai, six mois 425 kuai
un an et plus à multiple entrées 635 kuai

délais 5 jours à une semaine.

Un visa F ne permet pas plus de travailler qu'un visa L qu'il soit touriste ou famille. La police locale vous le dira elle meme : un étranger qui veut travailler en chine doit avoir un visa Z et rien qu'un visa Z .

:police: ! Travailler avec un visa F coute 1000 kuai au contrevenant s'il est pris (si les flics sont sympas ils font une réduction, mais l'entreprise qui les emploie, elle prendra cher). le seul moyen d'eviter cela : ne pas remplir de contrat (ceci dit c'est tout de meme illégal) ou signer des convention de bénévolat ou de stage (non rémunéré, du moins officiellement) ces informations sont issues de la bouche d'un représentant de l'ordre... )
pour le prix : un mois 160 kuai, six mois 425 kuai
un an et plus à multiple entrées 635 kuai

juste une petite question es-tu sure des prix ?
Car ici je paye
-169Y pour un visa L de 12 mois avec une entrée
- 635Y pour un visa L de 12 mois avec entrées multiples
je trouve qu’ il y as une sacrée différence entre SH et BJ
Dernière édition:
juste une petite question es-tu sur des prix ?
Car ici je paye
-169Y pour un visa L de 12 mois avec une entrée
- 635Y pour un visa L de 12 mois avec entrées multiples
je trouve qu’ il y as une sacrée différence entre SH et BJ
160 a hangzhou mais aucune entree lol, c'est vrai c'est une sacre difference
Par contre si tu as un visa F il est impossible de passer a un visa L.
Donc meme si tu es marie tu ne pourras pas demamder le visa L de 1 an.
oui, je sais pour le visa F pour passer au L il faut sortir du territoire quoqu'il semble que dans certains endroit, on puisse faire un visa L quand même.... chaque ville a ses regles à ce niveau là, ce qu'il faut c'est trouver le bon endroit, mais je n'ai aucun interet à faire un visa F (ça ne me donne aucun droit pour travailler en Chine... et ça coute cher.) Pour ce qui est du prix avec une entrée ou sans entrée, là par contre, je ne sais pas, je n'ai rien vu sur leur papier... si ca dépend du nombre d'entree effectivement ca peut etre interressant... Merci de l'information je me renseignerai sur le prix... car il semble que ce soit pareil partout, (pour les prix) cela m'étonnerait que ce soit si cher à pékin.
Dernière édition:
Donc voilà j'ai fait mon visa, donc voici au final les infos qui me manquaient (ou qui n'étaient pas claires)
le prix : en effet, un an avec zero ou une entrée : 160 kuai, c'est le multiple entré qui coute dans les six cents et des poussieres.

honeybaobao un visa F ne permet pas de travailler en Chine, de toute maniere. Juste de faire un stage non rémuneré ou d'aller étudier. (Donc si tu as rempli un contrat avec ton numéro de visa F, il faudra espérer qu'il n'y aie pas de controle)Si on pense travailler en Chine il faut un visa Z. sinon en effet, des tas de gens travaillent avec des visas F ou L en déclarant un stage non rémunéré, ou en ne précisant pas leur numéro de passeport sur le contrat, mais c'est illégal.
je ressort ce sujet car j ai une question sur le visa conjoint/famille de chinois.
Est ce qu'avec ce visa on ne peut toujours pas rester plus d un an en chine sans sortir du territoire ?
Le visa conjoint/famille L est d'une duree maximum de 1 an. Il te faut le renouveler tous les ans. Par contre je ne sais pas si les procedures de renouvellement sont aussi "compliquees" que pour l'obtention du premier.

Il ne me semble pas (je suis a la recherche de la reponse) qu'il existe un systeme de carte de sejour comme en France... Si quelqu'un a une info la dessus?

Oui, la duree maximum est de 1 an mais une fois ce visa expire est ce qu on peut le renouveller sans sortir de chine ou est ce qu il faut imperativement sortir du territoire au bout d'un an ?
Article 16 An applicant under Item (7) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall, in addition, submit the registered permanent residence certificate of the Chinese citizen, or the Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card of the foreigner, to whom he is to turn, a notarized certificate of relation and a certificate certifying that the applicant has no directly-related member of his family abroad, a notarized certificate certifying the applicant’s financial source or notarized certificate of financial guarantee by the person to whom the applicant is to turn, and notarized house leasing certificate or muniments of title of the applicant or the person to whom the applicant is to turn. The above mentioned certificates as issued by a foreign agency shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned.

Article 17 An application for foreigner’s permanent residence in China shall be submitted by the applicant himself or his parent if he is unmarried and under 18 years old or his attorney to the public security organ of the people’s government of the city divided into districts, or the branch or county bureau of public security of the municipality directly under the Central Government, in the place where the principal investment was made or of long-term residence.

In the case of applying through an attorney, a power of attorney issued by the applicant shall be required. A power of attorney issued by the applicant abroad shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned.

Article 18 The public security organ shall make an approval or disapproval decision within six months from the acceptance of the application for foreigner’s permanent residence in China.

Article 19 The Ministry of Public Security shall issue a Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card to the applicant who has been approved to permanently reside in China. If the applicant is not in China, the Ministry of Public Security shall issue a Confirmation Form of Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Status to the applicant, who shall apply for a “D” visa to the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned by producing such Conformation Form and, within 30 days from his entry into China, get the Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card from the public security organ that accepted his application.

Article 20 A foreigner who has been approved to permanently reside in China must stay in China for at least three cumulative months a year. If the foreigner is unable to stay in China for such minimum period due to any reason, he shall apply for the approval of the department or bureau of public security of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government in the place of his permanent residence, provided that the cumulative period during which he stays in China shall not be less than a cumulative year in five years.

Article 21 A Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card shall be valid for five or ten years.

Foreigners approved to permanently reside in China and are under 18 years old shall have a Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card valid for five years; those being or above 18 years old shall have one valid for ten years.

Article 22 In the case of expiry of, any change of particulars in, damage to or loss of a Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card, the holder shall apply to the public security organ of the people’s government of the city divided into districts, or the branch or county bureau of public security of the municipality directly under the Central Government, in the place of his long-term residence for renewal or reissue of the Card. The public security organ shall make such renewal or reissue within one month if, after examination, it holds that the holder still meets the requirements for a foreigner to be approved to permanently reside in China.

Article 23 The holder of a Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card shall apply for a renewal of the Card within a month before its expiry, for a renewal within a month after any change of particulars in the Card, or for a renewal or reissue promptly in the case of any damage to or loss of the Card.

Article 24 If a foreigner with a status of permanent residence in China is under any of the following circumstances, the Ministry of Public Security may cancel such status of him and withdraw or revoke his Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card:
(1) being likely to threaten the national security and interests;
(2) being expelled from China by the people’s court;
(3) having obtained the status of permanent residence in China by submitting false materials or by other illegal means; and
(4) having stayed in China for a period less than three cumulative months a year or less than a cumulative year in five years without approval.

Article 25 Foreigners having been approved to permanently reside in China before the implementation of these Measures shall, within six months from the implementation, renew his Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card with the public security organ of the people’s government of the city divided into districts or the branch and county bureau of public security of the municipality directly under the Central Government that issued the original Card or in the place of his long-term residence.

Article 26 The charge items and standards in respect of the application for a foreigner’s status of permanent residence in China and the issue, renewal and reissue of a Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card shall comply with the relevant provisions of the departments of price control and finance of the State Council.

Article 27 In these Measures:
(1) “directly-related member” shall include parents (spouse’s parents), grandparents, child being at least 18 years old and his (her) spouse, and grandchild being at least 18 years old and his (her) spouse; and
(2) both “above” and “within” shall include the given figure.

Article 28 The power to interpret these Measures shall be vested in the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Article 29 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.
Dernière édition:
Alors a la question faut-il imperativement sortir du territoire au bout d'un an ? la reponse est oui et cela pendant 5 ans si vous sejournez ici avec un visa L ( motif famille).Ensuite ci dessous le texte de loi officiel sur la fameuse carte verte chinoise ou ce qui remplace la "carte de séjour" des étrangers par le "permis de séjour".

Attention c`est un peu long.......:discours:.................j`ai la version d`origine en chinois pour ceux qu`ils veulent

[FONT=宋体]Promulgation date: 15 August 2004 Department: STATE COUNCIL OF CHINA MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY [FONT=宋体]Effective date: 15 August 2004 Subject: FOREIGN AFFAIRS [/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Foreigners’ Permanent Residence in China [/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Foreigners’ Permanent Residence in China[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](Approved by the State Council on December 13, 2003, and promulgated by Order No.74 of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 15, 2004)[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Control of Entry and Exit of Foreigners and the Detailed Rules for its implementation for the purpose of standardizing the examination and approval of foreigners’ permanent residence in China.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 2 Foreigners’ permanent residence in China means foreigners’ residence in China without time limit.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 3 The Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card is a valid ID certificate for a foreigner with permanent residence status in China and may be used independently.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 4 A foreigner with permanent residence status in China may enter and leave China with his valid passport and Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 5 The authorities to accept the applications of foreigners for permanent residence in China are the public security organs of the people’s governments of cities divided into districts and the branch and county bureaus of public security of municipalities directly under the Central Government. The authorities to verify the applications of foreigners for permanent residence in China are the departments and bureaus of public security of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The authority to examine and approve the applications of foreigners for permanent residence in China is the Ministry of Public Security.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 6 Foreigners applying for permanent residence in China must abide by Chinese laws, be in good health and without any criminal record, and must meet at least one of the following requirements:[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](1) having made direct investment in China with stable operation and a good tax paying record for three successive years;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](2) having been holding the post of deputy general manager, factory deputy director or above or of associate professor, associate researcher and other associate senior titles or above or enjoying an equal treatment, for at least four successive years, with a cumulative period of residence in China not less than three cumulative years in four years and with a good tax paying record;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](3) having made a great and outstanding contribution to and being specially needed by China;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](4) being the spouse or unmarried child under 18 years old of a person under the item(1), (2) or (3) of this paragraph;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](5) being the spouse of a Chinese citizen or of a foreigner with permanent residence status in China, with at least five years of marriage relation, at least five successive years of residence in China and at least nine months of residence in China each year, and having stable source of subsistence and a dwelling place;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](6) being an unmarried person under 18 years old turning to his parent; or[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](7) being a person who is or above 60 years old, who has no directly-related member of his family abroad and is to turn to any directly-related member of his family in China, and has stayed in China for at least five successive years, at least nine months of residence in China each year, and has stable source of subsistence and a dwelling place.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]The periods of time in this Article mean the successive ones till the date of application.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 7 In the case of a foreigner under item (1) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein, the registered capital paid by him as investment in China shall meet any of the following requirements:[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](1) in the case of investment in any industry encouraged under the Catalogue for Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries, at least US$500,000 in total;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](2) in the case of investment in the western area of China or any key county for poverty-relief development, at least US$500,000 in total;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](3) in the case of investment in the central area of China, at least US$1 million in total; or[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](4) in the case of investment in China, at least US$2 million in total.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 8 In the case of a foreigner under item (2) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein, the entity in which he holds a post must be any of the following:[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](1) an institution subordinate to any department of the State Council or to the people’s government at the provincial level;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](2) a key college or university;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](3) an enterprise or institution carrying out a key engineering project or major scientific research project of the state; or[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](4) a high-tech enterprise, enterprise with foreign investment in an industry encouraged, advanced-tech enterprise with foreign investment or export-oriented enterprise with foreign investment.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 9 The applicant shall accurately fill in the Form of Application for Foreigner’s Permanent Residence in China and submit the following materials:[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](1) a copy of his valid passport or other certificate that may be used in stead of the passport;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](2) a health certificate issued by a health quarantine agency designated by the Chinese government or by a foreign health quarantine agency recognized by the relevant Chinese embassy or consulate;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](3) a certificate of no criminal record in the country concerned as issued by the relevant Chinese embassy or consulate;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](4) four recently-taken, two-inch, bareheaded, full-faced, color photos of the applicant; and[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](5) other relevant materials provided herein.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 10 An applicant under Item (1) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall submit a certificate of approval for the enterprise with foreign investment, certificate of registration and a joint annual inspection certificate, capital verification report and personal tax payment receipt in addition.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]In the case of an enterprise with foreign investment in the industry encouraged, a letter of confirmation in respect of the project with foreign investment as encouraged by the state shall be submitted in addition.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 11 An applicant under Item (2) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall submit the following materials in addition:[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](1) a certificate certifying his position or title as issued by his employer;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](2) the Foreign Expert Card or Foreigner Employment Card;[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](3) a certificate of registration and certificate of annual inspection of his employer, his personal tax paying certificate and, where the employer is an enterprise with foreign investment, a certificate of approval for the enterprise with foreign investment and joint annual inspection certificate; and[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体](4) in the case of an applicant working with an enterprise or institution carrying out a key engineering project or major scientific research project of the state, a certificate certifying the project as issued by the competent department of the government at the provincial or ministry level; in the case of an applicant working with a high-tech enterprise, a high-tech enterprise certificate; in the case of an enterprise with foreign investment in an industry encouraged, advanced-tech enterprise with foreign investment or export-oriented enterprise with foreign investment, a certificate certifying the enterprise with foreign investment in the industry encouraged, advanced-tech enterprise with foreign investment or export-oriented enterprise with foreign investment.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 12 An applicant under Item (3) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall submit a letter of recommendation and the relevant certificates as issued by the competent department of the Chinese government in addition.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 13 An applicant under Item (4) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall, in addition, submit a certificate of marriage in the case of a spouse, his certificate of birth or certificate of parentage in the case of an unmarried child under 18 years old, and a certificate of adoption in the case of an adopted child. The above mentioned certificates as issued by a foreign agency shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 14 An applicant under Item (5) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall, in addition, submit his (her) Chinese spouse’s registered permanent residence certificate or foreign spouse’s Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card, marriage certificate, and a notarized certificate of source of subsistence and house leasing certificate or muniments of title. The above mentioned certificates as issued by a foreign agency shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned.[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]Article 15 An applicant under Item (6) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall, in addition, submit his Chinese parent’s registered permanent residence certificate or foreign parent’s Foreigner’s Permanent Resident Card, his certificate of birth or certificate of parentage and, in the case of an adopted child, the certificate of adoption in addition. The above mentioned certificates as issued by a foreign agency shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned.[/FONT]
Dernière édition:
J'aurais deux questions à vous poser.
Savez-vous comment se passe l'apprentissage du français en France lorsqu'une ou un chinois(e) vient en France. Lorsque l'on est marier, il me semble que c'est gratuit ? Pouvez-vous m'en dire plus ?

Comment se passe un mariage traditionnel en Chine ?

Suite au MP de Kenbas sur faut-il ou non sortir du territoire chinois pour faire prolonger son visa L de conjoint, je vais répondre ici aussi ça pourra servir à d'autre! ;)

(Je vais te contredire Lou&Lou^^ mais bon c'est vrai que c'est mon cas et ça vient peut être du fait que je suis dans une petite ville, mais en même temps je ne pense pas que le service de ma ville qui délivre des visa feraient des choses trop contraire au règlement qu'ils ont^^).

Pas besoin de sortir du territoire chinois au bout d'un an pour faire renouveller son visa L de conjoint.
Je suis restée en Chine exactement 23 mois, j'ai eu tout d'abord un visa X (de 6 mois) puis 3 visas succesifs de visa L spécial pour conjoint.

Je n'ai obtenu au maximun qu'un visa L spécial conjoint de 6 mois (on m'avait conseillée de ne faire la demande que sur une période de 6 mois). Mon dernier visa L spécial conjoint je l'ai demandé que pour quelques semaines car je rentrais en France. Et voilou, j'ai eu la bénédiction du service de visa de Zhangjiagang et je n'ai eu aucun problème car j'étais donc en règle. :)

Par contre après avoir renouvellé plusieurs fois son visa L spécial conjoint on ne peux pas avoir de visa normal sans sortir du territoire. Je voulais faire mon dernier visa comme visa de tourisme normal, mais du fait de mon séjour prolongé en Chine, on m'a dit qu'il fallait faire un visa L spécial conjoint.

Voilà j'espère que c'est clair et que ça aidera d'autre personne. :)
Je reviens sur le visa L (couple), sur la brochure c'est indique MULTIPLE (1 to 5 years) : 635yuan. Cela veut dire que l'on peut prendre plus d'1 an ???

Jamais entendu parle, la personne qui s occupe des visas m'a toujours dit que la duree est de 6mois ou 1 an. Peut etre que ca vient de changer...