e suis étudiant qui chercher de stage .
je suis intéresse par votre annonce voila mon CV ,Je suis étudiant qui chercher de stage .
Personal Information :
Name : SEYNI, Mamoudou
Age : 30
Nationality: Nigérienne
Marital status: single
Permanent Address: mobile: (0086)28 80 67 62 60
Tel fixed : 0086 28 87 35 93 56
Fax : 0086 28 87 35 54 37
Email :
College of International Education South Western University of Finance & Economics Chengdu 610074 .P.R.China N 55 Guanghuacun .Street.
Mobility : National and International
Continuous training : International Business Trade and Management
South Western University of Finance & Economics Chengdu / China
• PhD: International Business Trade and Management,
Topic for research
Research on the Economic cooperation of Africa and China:
-The advantages of China in building Str0ng relationship of Africa
-Free Trade
-Sino – Africa energy relations
-the Dragon and African oil,
-The waste management in Africa’s China
ESS ( Higher Diploma Of Study Specializes)
Specialty: International Business Trade and Management, University of Bejaia, Algeria .
• Master
f Taxation (tax system ) National School of Taxes , ENI Kolea Algeria.
• Master: of International Business Trade and Management, University of Bejaia, Algeria.
• Bachelor: major International Business Trade and Management, University of Bejaia, Algeria.
• Baccalaureat :International certificate of Scientific series option Mathematical and Physics
University of Niger
• Certificate in Advanced English, Alpha International School of English (Independent educational institution recognized examination center
Of Cambridge University), London
- Sichuan Conservatory of Music and language center, French Teacher, February, 2007- present.
- Conference lecturer (China-Africa Diplomatic Trade Relationship), December 2006. French Alliance of Chengdu China
-University Teacher (Economics), October 2005. BIGAH UNIVERSITY of Niamey, Niger.
- University Teacher (International Law of Taxation), March 2006. University of the European Economic room (Brussels). Representation of Niger.
- Conference lecturer (International Trade), October 2005. CENTER OF
FORMATION TECHIQUE of Canadian group MDS representation of Niger.
- Registered Consultant for Fiscal and Accounts, table B, Expert Accountanting in Niger since June 13, 2006. Noted by: The Minister of Economics and Finance, Republic of Niger – N 0002149 /ME/F/CCE/DGECA/DMCE.
Attachments (stage)
Attachment at the Algerian External Trade Chamber (CCACE). Assistant at the office of the Deputy-Director of the International Exchange and the National and International Fairs organization’s team ,for five months ,in the frame of the International Business Training
Taxes central Inspector at the Litigation Department (LLD) of the taxes central department in the frame of the National Youth Service
Attachment at the Taxes Revenue of Blida, in the frame of the training of Taxes Inspectors, as chief of the Force Recovering team, for three months.
Attachment at the Inspection of Boud Ismael willaye of Tipaza Algeria for one month, assistant for the IRG card’ up dating, and the G-50‘s declaration of the taxpayers.
1. French: Fluent Spoken
2. English: Spoken
3. Arab : Spoken
4. Chinese: Spoken
Knowledge of Word, Excel, Access, and Software
Higher Technical Diploma in Computer maintenance
Dominant Qualities: Dynamic, Steadiness, Punctuality, Sens of group.
Complementary Information’s
Holding of International Driving Licence B
Computer, Reading