¥ - Coronavirus (covid-19) suivi et évolution en Chine & Asie (pas de débats ici, utiliser "Politique de gestion du covid en Chine assouplie")

Vos inquietudes a propos de la situation sanitaire due au coronavirus (2019-ncov)

  • Je ne suis pas inquiet !

    Votes: 56 37,6%
  • Je suis tres inquiet !

    Votes: 36 24,2%
  • Je n'envisage pas de quitter la Chine !

    Votes: 40 26,8%
  • A partir de 500 victimes je quitte la Chine !

    Votes: 6 4,0%
  • A partir de 1000 victimes je quitte la Chine !

    Votes: 4 2,7%
  • Au dessus de 2000 victimes je quitte la Chine !

    Votes: 4 2,7%
  • Pensez vous que le gouvernement va stabiliser la situation dans les jours a venir ? Oui

    Votes: 31 20,8%
  • Pensez vous que le gouvernement va stabiliser la situation dans les jours a venir ? Non

    Votes: 38 25,5%
  • J'envisage serieusement de quitter la Chine si les etudes de mes enfants sont compromises !

    Votes: 7 4,7%
  • J'envisage serieusement de quitter la Chine si cette situation dure trop longtemps !

    Votes: 49 32,9%

  • Nombre total d'électeurs
Bonjour Fab
Nous l'avons soulignes mille fois , aucun vaccin n'est efficace niveau contamination pure pour l'instant ( hors hospitalisations et deces ) ! Et la vaccination n'a jamais ete obligatoire en Chine pour le moment ! Les problemes viennent du laxisme sanitaire ambiant *et de la desorganisation dans les Etats concernes en 2020 & 2021 ... Il ne faut pas chercher Midi a Quatorze Heure ...

* Un peu comme a Shanghai & Hong Kong ces 2 mois precedents ...
Pour Shanghai, je ne me prononce pas.

Pour HK, qualifier la politique de laxiste est un peu exagéré.
Rappelons que seuls les résidents de HK ont le droit d'entrer sur le territoire. Pas de touristes, pas de voyages d'affaires (a l'exception peut-être de certains cas du Mainland). Quarantaine, d'abord de 21 jours, puis ramenée à 14 jours (7 jours depuis le 1/4/22). Interdictions de vol de 9 pays jusqu'au 1/4/22. Suspension des liaisons si cas de Covid à bord des vols. Quarantaine obligatoire pour les équipages. Et jusqu'a ce que ce ne soit plus physiquement possible, hospitalisation de tous les cas positifs.

Selon toi, qu'aurait dû faire HK pour ne pas être laxiste, et éviter la 5eme vague ?
Selon toi, qu'aurait dû faire HK pour ne pas être laxiste, et éviter la 5eme vague ?
Se faire vacciner massivement pour eviter les deces et les hospitalisations !
Et ne surtout ne pas penser que vu le nombre de cas inexistant que tout le monde etait a l'abri !
Cette transmission a des raisons quand meme , distanciations non respectees ou failles diverses et autres pour le simple exemple ? :hum:
Les recommandations n'ont pas manquees dans ces domaines en 2020 & 2021 !
Dernière édition:
Se faire vacciner massivement pour eviter les deces et les hospitalisations !
Et ne surtout ne pas penser que vu le nombre de cas inexistant que tout le monde etait a l'abri !
Cette transmission a des raisons quand meme , distanciations non respectees ou failles diverses et autres pour le simple exemple ? :hum:
Les recommandations n'ont pas manquees dans ces domaines en 2020 & 2021 !
Rendre la vaccination obligatoire semble ne pas être légalement possible à HK.
Le gouvernement aurait évidemment dû conditionner le versement de la "prime Covid" à la vaccination. C'était une mesure simple, efficace, et ne coutant rien. Ils ne l'ont toujours pas compris, car la nouvelle aide viens d'être versée sans condition.
Pour le reste, aucun système, aucune organisation n'est infaillible. Un virus aussi transmissible qu'Omicron trouvera tôt ou tard un moyen de rentrer, ce n'est qu'une question de temps.
Tu l'as souligné mille fois, ce qui ne signifie pas que tout le monde est d'accord. Dans d'autres pays comme Singapour, un taux de vaccination important (96% de la population éligible) avec des vaccins efficaces permet un retour à la vie normale.
Normal tout est relatif , je n'ai pas cette notion de la normalite que nous avons tous connu ? :hum:

[Updated 4 April 2022]

The COVID-19 situation in Singapore has improved, and the Multi-Ministry Taskforce has announced the easing of community Safe Management Measures (SMMs) along these five parameters:

SMM 1-5 framework

i. Group sizes;
ii. Mask-wearing;
iii. Workplace requirements;
iv. Safe distancing; and
v. Capacity limits

The following updates to community SMMs will come into effect from 29 March 2022:
Group Sizes
The permissible group size for social gatherings will be increased from 5 persons to 10 persons for mask-off activities. The maximum number of unique visitors per household will also be adjusted from 5 persons at any one time, to 10 persons at any one time.
Mask-wearing will continue to be required for indoor settings when people leave their homes, but will be optional in outdoor settings.

  • Examples of indoor places: Office buildings, shopping malls, public transport (i.e. when commuting in trains and buses), hawker centres and coffeeshops.
  • Examples of outdoor areas: Housing Development Board (HDB) void decks, retail block walkways, bus stops, and bus interchanges.
Workplace Requirements
Up to 75% of employees who can work from home can now return to the workplace, an increase from the current limit of 50%. As part of the streamlining of rules, we will continue to align the rules for social gatherings in workplaces and other social settings, so long as the general group size and masking rules are adhered to.
Safe Distancing
Safe distancing is encouraged but will not be required between individuals or groups in all mask-on settings. However, a safe distance of 1 metre will continue to be required for mask-off settings.
Capacity Limits
Event sizes are set based on the capacity of the venue. Specific event size limits for events such as religious services, business events, media conferences, funerary memorial events, solemnisations, wedding receptions, and mask-on classes1, will be lifted. Zoning requirements will also be removed.

  • For smaller events and settings of up to 1,000 pax, events can proceed without being subject to any capacity limit.
  • For large events and settings of more than 1,000 pax2 and that are mask-on, capacity limits will be increased to 75%.
  • For mask-off events, individuals or groups of individuals up to the prevailing group size will be required to comply with the 1 metre safe distancing requirement.
A summary of these SMMs is listed below.

Parameter Current Posture
(1) Group size
  • 10 at any one time
(2) Mask-wearing
  • Required indoors
  • Optional outdoors
(3) Workplace requirements
  • 75% of those who can work from home may return to office
(4) Safe distancing
  • Required to maintain 1metre safe distance when mask off, between individuals or groups
(5) Capacity^
  • 75% for large settings and event sizes of >1,000 pax, where there is no 1metre safe distancing
  • Premises operators to avoid chokepoints and spread crowds as evenly as possible.
^ See Annex C of MOH's press release for more information on capacity limits.

Other Activity-Specific SMM Adjustments
The following activity-specific adjustments will come into effect from 29 March 2022.
Dine-in at food and beverage (F&B) establishments

  • Groups of up to 10 fully vaccinated persons will be allowed to dine-in at F&B establishments, including hawker centres and coffee shops, where full vaccination-differentiated SMMs (VDS) checks have been implemented.
  • To ease the operational burden for F&B operators, we will allow all F&B establishments to seat smaller groups of up to 5 fully vaccinated persons, without the need for full VDS checks at their entrance.
  • Sale and consumption of alcohol at F&B outlets after 10.30pm will be allowed.
Live performances and screening of programmes
  • Outdoor live performances and busking will be allowed to resume at all venues, including F&B establishments.
  • Groups that are involved in the performances will have to comply with the prevailing SMM 1-5 (i.e. keep to the group size of 10 unmasked persons.)
  • Screening of live broadcast programmes and recorded entertainment in F&B establishments will be allowed.
Vocalisation activities
Subject to masks being worn throughout the vocalisation activity, the following activities which involve vocalisation by large groups will be allowed:

  • Congregational singing and chanting;
  • Cheering by audiences/spectators/participants at events; and
  • Singing in general settings, including in schools.
Social events and large-scale social gatherings
  • Large-scale social gatherings and events such as gala dinners, corporate dinner-and-dance events (D&Ds), birthday celebrations and anniversaries can resume.
  • Organisers of these events should still comply with the prevailing SMM 1-5 (i.e. no more than 10 persons per table, and safe distancing of 1 metre maintained between tables).
[Updated] Resumption of Nightlife Businesses
From 19 April 2022, all nightlife businesses in Singapore will be allowed to fully reopen. All nightlife establishments will be subjected to safe management measures3 (SMMs) imposed on food and beverage establishments, retail liquor establishments, and live performances, where applicable, including vaccination-differentiated SMMs (VDS).
For nightlife establishments (such as nightclubs and discotheques) where dancing among patrons is one of the intended activities, patrons will need to produce a negative antigen rapid test (ART) result before entering the premises.

  • The ART has to be supervised by a Ministry of Health-approved test provider4, either in-person or remotely.
  • The COVID-19 test will be valid for 24 hours from the time of the test result. Patrons must get tested before the start of the visit, and at most 24 hours before the end of the attendance at the event or activity.
For more information, refer to MTI’s and MHA’s press release.

Cessation of Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) Regime

As we have passed the peak of the Omicron wave, the high vaccination and booster coverage among the sectors still on RRT, and their strict compliance to their specific SMM are sufficient to protect the individuals within these sectors. Therefore, RRT regime will be ceased for all sectors from 29 March 2022. With this, the Government subsidies provided for companies on RRT will also end on 29 March 2022. Employers and businesses who wish to impose regular testing at the workplace at their cost may continue to do so.

Rationalisation of SMMs for Migrant Workers Living in Dormitories

From 1 April 2022, SMMs for migrant workers (MWs) living in dormitories will be adjusted to align with the latest SMMs for the community. The quota of community visit slots for vaccinated MWs (15,000 on weekdays; 30,000 for weekends and public holidays) remains. However, fully vaccinated MWs no longer need to do pre-visit ART for community visit.

Adjustments to Vaccinated Differentiated Safe Management Measure (SMMs)
From 15 March 2022, unvaccinated children aged 12 years and below (i.e. born in 2010 or later) need not be from the same household to be included within a group entering premises or participating in activities with VDS.
Resuming Sports

  • From 15 March 2022, all team sports will be allowed to proceed with up to 30 fully vaccinated persons (including players, coaches, umpires etc), at selected supervised/operated sports facilities (i.e. ActiveSG/PA facilities and SportSG approved private facilities). The prevailing SMMs will apply before and after the sport activity, and during rest breaks.
  • No additional testing requirement will be imposed as long as all participants are fully vaccinated, but participants are strongly encouraged to self-test before arriving for the sports activity, and to stay home if they test positive or develop symptoms. Participants will be required to complete a health declaration form prior to the sports activity.
For more information, refer to MOH's press release.

Normal tout est relatif , je n'ai pas cette notion de la normalite que nous avons tous connu ? :hum:

[Updated 4 April 2022]

The COVID-19 situation in Singapore has improved, and the Multi-Ministry Taskforce has announced the easing of community Safe Management Measures (SMMs) along these five parameters:

SMM 1-5 framework

i. Group sizes;
ii. Mask-wearing;
iii. Workplace requirements;
iv. Safe distancing; and
v. Capacity limits

The following updates to community SMMs will come into effect from 29 March 2022:
Group Sizes
The permissible group size for social gatherings will be increased from 5 persons to 10 persons for mask-off activities. The maximum number of unique visitors per household will also be adjusted from 5 persons at any one time, to 10 persons at any one time.
Mask-wearing will continue to be required for indoor settings when people leave their homes, but will be optional in outdoor settings.

  • Examples of indoor places: Office buildings, shopping malls, public transport (i.e. when commuting in trains and buses), hawker centres and coffeeshops.
  • Examples of outdoor areas: Housing Development Board (HDB) void decks, retail block walkways, bus stops, and bus interchanges.
Workplace Requirements
Up to 75% of employees who can work from home can now return to the workplace, an increase from the current limit of 50%. As part of the streamlining of rules, we will continue to align the rules for social gatherings in workplaces and other social settings, so long as the general group size and masking rules are adhered to.
Safe Distancing
Safe distancing is encouraged but will not be required between individuals or groups in all mask-on settings. However, a safe distance of 1 metre will continue to be required for mask-off settings.
Capacity Limits
Event sizes are set based on the capacity of the venue. Specific event size limits for events such as religious services, business events, media conferences, funerary memorial events, solemnisations, wedding receptions, and mask-on classes1, will be lifted. Zoning requirements will also be removed.

  • For smaller events and settings of up to 1,000 pax, events can proceed without being subject to any capacity limit.
  • For large events and settings of more than 1,000 pax2 and that are mask-on, capacity limits will be increased to 75%.
  • For mask-off events, individuals or groups of individuals up to the prevailing group size will be required to comply with the 1 metre safe distancing requirement.
A summary of these SMMs is listed below.

Parameter Current Posture
(1) Group size
  • 10 at any one time
(2) Mask-wearing
  • Required indoors
  • Optional outdoors
(3) Workplace requirements
  • 75% of those who can work from home may return to office
(4) Safe distancing
  • Required to maintain 1metre safe distance when mask off, between individuals or groups
(5) Capacity^
  • 75% for large settings and event sizes of >1,000 pax, where there is no 1metre safe distancing
  • Premises operators to avoid chokepoints and spread crowds as evenly as possible.
^ See Annex C of MOH's press release for more information on capacity limits.

Other Activity-Specific SMM Adjustments
The following activity-specific adjustments will come into effect from 29 March 2022.
Dine-in at food and beverage (F&B) establishments

  • Groups of up to 10 fully vaccinated persons will be allowed to dine-in at F&B establishments, including hawker centres and coffee shops, where full vaccination-differentiated SMMs (VDS) checks have been implemented.
  • To ease the operational burden for F&B operators, we will allow all F&B establishments to seat smaller groups of up to 5 fully vaccinated persons, without the need for full VDS checks at their entrance.
  • Sale and consumption of alcohol at F&B outlets after 10.30pm will be allowed.
Live performances and screening of programmes
  • Outdoor live performances and busking will be allowed to resume at all venues, including F&B establishments.
  • Groups that are involved in the performances will have to comply with the prevailing SMM 1-5 (i.e. keep to the group size of 10 unmasked persons.)
  • Screening of live broadcast programmes and recorded entertainment in F&B establishments will be allowed.
Vocalisation activities
Subject to masks being worn throughout the vocalisation activity, the following activities which involve vocalisation by large groups will be allowed:

  • Congregational singing and chanting;
  • Cheering by audiences/spectators/participants at events; and
  • Singing in general settings, including in schools.
Social events and large-scale social gatherings
  • Large-scale social gatherings and events such as gala dinners, corporate dinner-and-dance events (D&Ds), birthday celebrations and anniversaries can resume.
  • Organisers of these events should still comply with the prevailing SMM 1-5 (i.e. no more than 10 persons per table, and safe distancing of 1 metre maintained between tables).
[Updated] Resumption of Nightlife Businesses
From 19 April 2022, all nightlife businesses in Singapore will be allowed to fully reopen. All nightlife establishments will be subjected to safe management measures3 (SMMs) imposed on food and beverage establishments, retail liquor establishments, and live performances, where applicable, including vaccination-differentiated SMMs (VDS).
For nightlife establishments (such as nightclubs and discotheques) where dancing among patrons is one of the intended activities, patrons will need to produce a negative antigen rapid test (ART) result before entering the premises.

  • The ART has to be supervised by a Ministry of Health-approved test provider4, either in-person or remotely.
  • The COVID-19 test will be valid for 24 hours from the time of the test result. Patrons must get tested before the start of the visit, and at most 24 hours before the end of the attendance at the event or activity.
For more information, refer to MTI’s and MHA’s press release.

Cessation of Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) Regime

As we have passed the peak of the Omicron wave, the high vaccination and booster coverage among the sectors still on RRT, and their strict compliance to their specific SMM are sufficient to protect the individuals within these sectors. Therefore, RRT regime will be ceased for all sectors from 29 March 2022. With this, the Government subsidies provided for companies on RRT will also end on 29 March 2022. Employers and businesses who wish to impose regular testing at the workplace at their cost may continue to do so.

Rationalisation of SMMs for Migrant Workers Living in Dormitories

From 1 April 2022, SMMs for migrant workers (MWs) living in dormitories will be adjusted to align with the latest SMMs for the community. The quota of community visit slots for vaccinated MWs (15,000 on weekdays; 30,000 for weekends and public holidays) remains. However, fully vaccinated MWs no longer need to do pre-visit ART for community visit.

Adjustments to Vaccinated Differentiated Safe Management Measure (SMMs)
From 15 March 2022, unvaccinated children aged 12 years and below (i.e. born in 2010 or later) need not be from the same household to be included within a group entering premises or participating in activities with VDS.
Resuming Sports

  • From 15 March 2022, all team sports will be allowed to proceed with up to 30 fully vaccinated persons (including players, coaches, umpires etc), at selected supervised/operated sports facilities (i.e. ActiveSG/PA facilities and SportSG approved private facilities). The prevailing SMMs will apply before and after the sport activity, and during rest breaks.
  • No additional testing requirement will be imposed as long as all participants are fully vaccinated, but participants are strongly encouraged to self-test before arriving for the sports activity, and to stay home if they test positive or develop symptoms. Participants will be required to complete a health declaration form prior to the sports activity.
For more information, refer to MOH's press release.

C'est vrai que ça c'est beaucoup plus normal :
C'est vrai que ça c'est beaucoup plus normal :
Pour ma part je ne pretend en aucun cas que ce qui se passe en Chine est normal dans certains domaines bien au contraire ( surtout pour les enfants ) , mais il faut arreter de se toucher le minou ou de s'astiquer le poireau en pretendant qu'ailleurs tout l'est ! Soyons realistes , les diverses contraintes demeurent dans bien des domaines et ce n'est pas cela la vie normale ...
Dernière édition:
Pour ma part je ne pretend en aucun cas que ce qui se passe en Chine est normal dans certains domaines bien au contraire ( surtout pour les enfants ) , mais il faut arreter de se toucher le minou ou de s'astiquer le poireau en pretendant qu'ailleurs tout l'est ! Soyons realistes , les diverses contraintes demeurent dans bien des domaines et ce n'est pas cela la vie normale ...
Pas une raison pour être manichéen non plus, on peut être objectif et dire que c'est quand même un peu plus proche de la vie d'avant d'avoir juste à porter un masque et s'isoler si on est malade VS risquer l'enfermement pour des semaines quand on a même pas de symptômes.
On ne peut pas toujours mettre tout au même niveau. Je sais bien que tu veux soutenir le pays qui t'accueille mais quand même un minimum d'honnêteté intellectuelle.
Pas une raison pour être manichéen non plus, on peut être objectif et dire que c'est quand même un peu plus proche de la vie d'avant d'avoir juste à porter un masque et s'isoler si on est malade VS risquer l'enfermement pour des semaines quand on a même pas de symptômes.
On ne peut pas toujours mettre tout au même niveau. Je sais bien que tu veux soutenir le pays qui t'accueille mais quand même un minimum d'honnêteté intellectuelle.
Ce n'est pas une question de soutien c'est une histoire de statistiques et de publications de sites gouvernementaux en correlations , je suis resident Hong Kong et je ne menage pas la gestion de la pandemie a Hong Kong ces dernier 3 mois ! Ce n'est pas une question de d'honnetete intellectuelle mais la realite des statistiques, et des mesures de mises en applications !
Ce n'est pas une question de soutien c'est une histoire de statistiques et de publications de sites gouvernementaux en correlations , je suis resident Hong Kong et je ne menage pas la gestion de la pandemie a Hong Kong ces dernier 3 mois ! Ce n'est pas une question de d'honnetete intelectuelle mais la realite des statistiques, et des mesures misent en applications !
Donc tout les témoignages de gens qu'on partage, que ce soit en Chine ou à l'étranger c'est du mensonge ?
Il n'y a que le nombre de cas qui compte, peu importe l'impact sur la vie des gens ?
Donc tout les témoignages de gens qu'on partage, que ce soit en Chine ou à l'étranger c'est du mensonge ?
Il n'y a que le nombre de cas qui compte, peu importe l'impact sur la vie des gens ?
Loin de moi cette idee , je respecte chaque emotion ou expression ou encore les difficultes traveversees par chacun , je donne simplement mon point de vu global sur la situation ! Voila
Normal tout est relatif , je n'ai pas cette notion de la normalite que nous avons tous connu ? :hum:

[Updated 4 April 2022]

The COVID-19 situation in Singapore has improved, and the Multi-Ministry Taskforce has announced the easing of community Safe Management Measures (SMMs) along these five parameters:

SMM 1-5 framework

i. Group sizes;
ii. Mask-wearing;
iii. Workplace requirements;
iv. Safe distancing; and
v. Capacity limits

The following updates to community SMMs will come into effect from 29 March 2022:
Group Sizes
The permissible group size for social gatherings will be increased from 5 persons to 10 persons for mask-off activities. The maximum number of unique visitors per household will also be adjusted from 5 persons at any one time, to 10 persons at any one time.
Mask-wearing will continue to be required for indoor settings when people leave their homes, but will be optional in outdoor settings.

  • Examples of indoor places: Office buildings, shopping malls, public transport (i.e. when commuting in trains and buses), hawker centres and coffeeshops.
  • Examples of outdoor areas: Housing Development Board (HDB) void decks, retail block walkways, bus stops, and bus interchanges.
Workplace Requirements
Up to 75% of employees who can work from home can now return to the workplace, an increase from the current limit of 50%. As part of the streamlining of rules, we will continue to align the rules for social gatherings in workplaces and other social settings, so long as the general group size and masking rules are adhered to.
Safe Distancing
Safe distancing is encouraged but will not be required between individuals or groups in all mask-on settings. However, a safe distance of 1 metre will continue to be required for mask-off settings.
Capacity Limits
Event sizes are set based on the capacity of the venue. Specific event size limits for events such as religious services, business events, media conferences, funerary memorial events, solemnisations, wedding receptions, and mask-on classes1, will be lifted. Zoning requirements will also be removed.

  • For smaller events and settings of up to 1,000 pax, events can proceed without being subject to any capacity limit.
  • For large events and settings of more than 1,000 pax2 and that are mask-on, capacity limits will be increased to 75%.
  • For mask-off events, individuals or groups of individuals up to the prevailing group size will be required to comply with the 1 metre safe distancing requirement.
A summary of these SMMs is listed below.

Parameter Current Posture
(1) Group size
  • 10 at any one time
(2) Mask-wearing
  • Required indoors
  • Optional outdoors
(3) Workplace requirements
  • 75% of those who can work from home may return to office
(4) Safe distancing
  • Required to maintain 1metre safe distance when mask off, between individuals or groups
(5) Capacity^
  • 75% for large settings and event sizes of >1,000 pax, where there is no 1metre safe distancing
  • Premises operators to avoid chokepoints and spread crowds as evenly as possible.
^ See Annex C of MOH's press release for more information on capacity limits.

Other Activity-Specific SMM Adjustments
The following activity-specific adjustments will come into effect from 29 March 2022.
Dine-in at food and beverage (F&B) establishments

  • Groups of up to 10 fully vaccinated persons will be allowed to dine-in at F&B establishments, including hawker centres and coffee shops, where full vaccination-differentiated SMMs (VDS) checks have been implemented.
  • To ease the operational burden for F&B operators, we will allow all F&B establishments to seat smaller groups of up to 5 fully vaccinated persons, without the need for full VDS checks at their entrance.
  • Sale and consumption of alcohol at F&B outlets after 10.30pm will be allowed.
Live performances and screening of programmes
  • Outdoor live performances and busking will be allowed to resume at all venues, including F&B establishments.
  • Groups that are involved in the performances will have to comply with the prevailing SMM 1-5 (i.e. keep to the group size of 10 unmasked persons.)
  • Screening of live broadcast programmes and recorded entertainment in F&B establishments will be allowed.
Vocalisation activities
Subject to masks being worn throughout the vocalisation activity, the following activities which involve vocalisation by large groups will be allowed:

  • Congregational singing and chanting;
  • Cheering by audiences/spectators/participants at events; and
  • Singing in general settings, including in schools.
Social events and large-scale social gatherings
  • Large-scale social gatherings and events such as gala dinners, corporate dinner-and-dance events (D&Ds), birthday celebrations and anniversaries can resume.
  • Organisers of these events should still comply with the prevailing SMM 1-5 (i.e. no more than 10 persons per table, and safe distancing of 1 metre maintained between tables).
[Updated] Resumption of Nightlife Businesses
From 19 April 2022, all nightlife businesses in Singapore will be allowed to fully reopen. All nightlife establishments will be subjected to safe management measures3 (SMMs) imposed on food and beverage establishments, retail liquor establishments, and live performances, where applicable, including vaccination-differentiated SMMs (VDS).
For nightlife establishments (such as nightclubs and discotheques) where dancing among patrons is one of the intended activities, patrons will need to produce a negative antigen rapid test (ART) result before entering the premises.

  • The ART has to be supervised by a Ministry of Health-approved test provider4, either in-person or remotely.
  • The COVID-19 test will be valid for 24 hours from the time of the test result. Patrons must get tested before the start of the visit, and at most 24 hours before the end of the attendance at the event or activity.
For more information, refer to MTI’s and MHA’s press release.

Cessation of Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) Regime

As we have passed the peak of the Omicron wave, the high vaccination and booster coverage among the sectors still on RRT, and their strict compliance to their specific SMM are sufficient to protect the individuals within these sectors. Therefore, RRT regime will be ceased for all sectors from 29 March 2022. With this, the Government subsidies provided for companies on RRT will also end on 29 March 2022. Employers and businesses who wish to impose regular testing at the workplace at their cost may continue to do so.

Rationalisation of SMMs for Migrant Workers Living in Dormitories

From 1 April 2022, SMMs for migrant workers (MWs) living in dormitories will be adjusted to align with the latest SMMs for the community. The quota of community visit slots for vaccinated MWs (15,000 on weekdays; 30,000 for weekends and public holidays) remains. However, fully vaccinated MWs no longer need to do pre-visit ART for community visit.

Adjustments to Vaccinated Differentiated Safe Management Measure (SMMs)
From 15 March 2022, unvaccinated children aged 12 years and below (i.e. born in 2010 or later) need not be from the same household to be included within a group entering premises or participating in activities with VDS.
Resuming Sports

  • From 15 March 2022, all team sports will be allowed to proceed with up to 30 fully vaccinated persons (including players, coaches, umpires etc), at selected supervised/operated sports facilities (i.e. ActiveSG/PA facilities and SportSG approved private facilities). The prevailing SMMs will apply before and after the sport activity, and during rest breaks.
  • No additional testing requirement will be imposed as long as all participants are fully vaccinated, but participants are strongly encouraged to self-test before arriving for the sports activity, and to stay home if they test positive or develop symptoms. Participants will be required to complete a health declaration form prior to the sports activity.
For more information, refer to MOH's press release.

salut Lafoy, je suis actuellement à singapour. Donc je pense être dans une situation pas trop mal placée pour savoir de quoi je parle 😘
Apparememt un site pour avoir sa date de deconfinement:

Test massif vendredi à 23h00 et résultat qui n'apparait que samedi vers 18h.
Test massif dimanche soir à 20H30 et toujours aucun résultat 24h après.
Test massif aujourd'hui à 20H30 et en attente de résultat.
Problème comme mon second test n'est pas encore sorti : code santé jaune juste après le 3ème dépistage. Jaune en raison de la lenteur (hélas) du système.
Quel est le bilan réel du Covid à Shanghai ? Pour le moment :
- deux morts suite à une crise d'asthme
- décès suspects dans un service de gériatrie :
A prendre avec des pincettes bien sûr, mais j'avais déjà entendu par ailleurs parler de l'article maintenant retiré de Caixin sur le sujet.

Je ne peux m'empêcher de rappeler cet article écrit par l'ambassade de Chine il y a exactement deux ans (tweet qui le reprend car l'article n'est plus disponible sur le site, les liens renvoient à la page d'accueil du ministère des affaires étrangères chinois).
Xuzhou :

Ouverture de la majorité de la ville, seul queques quartier restent en lockdown car ils ont eu des cas ou des cas contacts.

Mesures en place depuis hier:

Toute personne sortant de l'autoroute a Xuzhou, n'étant pas de Xuzhou, comme les camions de livraisons, sont a aller chercher à la sortie de l'autoroute par un representant de l'entreprise de destination. La porte du camion est scelée à la sortie de l'autoroute, puis rescelée à l'arrivé à l'entreprise. Interdiction au chauffeur de sortir de la cabine sur Xuzhou.

Puis une fois le chargement/déchargement fini, il faut raccompagner le camion à l'autoroute. Responsabilité de l'entreprise si il y a pépin et punition si pas suivit à la lettre.
Enfin une baisse à Shanghai qui coincide avec la mise en place des 3 layers, donc certaines personnes enfin autorisées à sortir.
Attention tout de même, plusieurs personnes n'ont pas fait de test hier et/ou n'ont pas eu leurs résultats des 2 derniers jours.
Quel est le bilan réel du Covid à Shanghai ? Pour le moment :
- deux morts suite à une crise d'asthme
- décès suspects dans un service de gériatrie :
A prendre avec des pincettes bien sûr, mais j'avais déjà entendu par ailleurs parler de l'article maintenant retiré de Caixin sur le sujet.

Je ne peux m'empêcher de rappeler cet article écrit par l'ambassade de Chine il y a exactement deux ans (tweet qui le reprend car l'article n'est plus disponible sur le site, les liens renvoient à la page d'accueil du ministère des affaires étrangères chinois).
Voir la pièce jointe 123134
Oui je me souviens bien du message. Une de mes tantes venait juste de contracter le Covid après avoir été appelé en renfort pour aider en EPHAD. Enfin elle s’en est remise, mais j’étais bien énervé à l’époque.
Xuzhou :

Ouverture de la majorité de la ville, seul queques quartier restent en lockdown car ils ont eu des cas ou des cas contacts.

Mesures en place depuis hier:

Toute personne sortant de l'autoroute a Xuzhou, n'étant pas de Xuzhou, comme les camions de livraisons, sont a aller chercher à la sortie de l'autoroute par un representant de l'entreprise de destination. La porte du camion est scelée à la sortie de l'autoroute, puis rescelée à l'arrivé à l'entreprise. Interdiction au chauffeur de sortir de la cabine sur Xuzhou.

Puis une fois le chargement/déchargement fini, il faut raccompagner le camion à l'autoroute. Responsabilité de l'entreprise si il y a pépin et punition si pas suivit à la lettre.
C'est le systeme de mon kaifaqu aussi. Probleme, il faut imperativement que les chauffeurs n'ai pas d'etoiles sur le QR code.. Ce qui ces jours est un peu complique lol.. Donc des camions a la queue leuleu aux portes de la ville depuis 10 jours. J'en suis arrive a recharger des containers en stand by sur le peage, sur des trains dans une autre province pour enfin les faire arriver sur mon chef lieu, puis finaliser le transport par camion en "interne". Kafkaiesque..
Perso, je suis a court d'appro avec une dizaine de containers bloques a Shanghai (pas pres les voire ceux la..). Je jongle mes projets et inventaires.. encore 3 jours comme ca et c'est chomage technique pour 50% de la prod..
Dans les faits les seuls camions qui passent sont ceux des societes de kuaidi, postes, etc.. Ou les tres grosses boites qui "mettent de l'huile".

Ci dessous la lettre de la chambre de commerce europeene a ce sujet:

RE: The impact of current epidemic prevention measures on business
Dear Vice Premier Hu Chunhua,

On behalf of the European Chamber and our 1,800 member companies, I would like to extend our sincere
gratitude to you and the Chinese Government and commend the actions that have been taken to limit the
spread of COVID-19 up until now. The European Chamber understands that the protection of health and
safety is of paramount importance, and that the decision to pursue a zero-tolerance strategy was not
taken lightly.
I would like to take this opportunity to bring to your attention some information that highlights the
challenges European companies in China are currently facing as a result of recent epidemic prevention
measures that have been taken. Data from a flash survey conducted by the German Chamber of
Commerce in China last week clearly indicate that the current measures taken to try and contain the
recent COVID-19 outbreak in China is causing significant disruptions, extending from logistics and
production all the way along the entire supply chain within China:
• 51% of German companies’ logistics and warehousing and 46% of German companies’ supply
chains are completely disrupted or severely impacted by the current COVID-19 situation in China.
• Severe impacts or complete disruption is also reported in production and manufacturing by 31%
of respondents, staffing rates by 28% of respondents and demand by 29% of respondents.
• 40% report a complete disruption or severe impact on upstream supply chain operations due to
raw materials or upstream products not being available.
• 30% report a complete disruption or severe impact in the transport of raw materials and upstream
• For downstream supply chain operations, 35% report severe impacts or complete disruption to
the delivery of finished products to local customers, and 33% report the same for goods exported
to Europe.
A recent survey conducted by the American Chamber in Beijing and Shanghai reveal similar problems for
US companies operating in Shanghai and China.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Chinese Government’s zero-tolerance approach provided
protection for the population from the Delta variant. It also allowed China to bring its economy back
online quickly in 2020, and lead the world economy back to recovery. However, the Omicron variant is
posing new challenges that seemingly cannot be overcome by applying the old toolbox of mass testing
and isolation, and the social and economic costs of applying increasingly stringent measures to achieve
this are rapidly mounting. This is also having an unfortunate impact on China’s image to the rest of the
world while eroding foreign investors’ confidence in the Chinese market.
The European Chamber therefore respectfully recommends revisions to the current epidemic prevention
measures, to bring them in line with the successful model that has been adopted in Singapore, which has
allowed the country to simultaneously prioritise protection for all its citizens and economic growth. This
would entail the following:
• Allowing positive cases with no or mild symptoms to quarantine at home, thereby alleviating
pressure on the health system.
• Focusing efforts on fully vaccinating the population, including those over 60 years old who are
among the most vulnerable.
• Permitting the best mix of vaccinations and boosters – mRNA vaccines have proved most effective
around the world, and should be made accessible to Chinese patients to be used as a booster
I thank you in advance for considering our recommendations and would welcome a meeting in the coming
days to discuss them in more detail. For further arrangements, please connect with Head of Government
Affairs Ms Zhang Ziting (Tel: 6462 2066 ext 33; ztzhang@europeanchamber.com.cn).
Yours sincerely
Jörg Wuttke
European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
Dernière édition: