Hoax faux mail du PSB [Edit]

Merci pour vos conseil.
je vais aller en parler a mon école demain et voire se qu'eux en pensent.
l'adresse mail est : lamar.zhang42@gmail.com

Un petit coup de Google et voila :

Our company is a foreign company located in Hong Kong. Our branch office is made up of 600 employees and we are a member of BBW electronics under trading. We are seeking for job seekers who can work for us Urdu to English translators, Hindi to English translators, Bahasa to English translator, and Tamil to English translator. The working time is flexible (5days a day) Monday to Friday weekly. We provide working materials for this job and we also conduct training for this present position. We need job seekers who are natives of the above nationality, job seekers with valid passport and visa. If you are interested, you can email us on lamar.zhang42@gmail.com for more information.
Merci pour vos conseil.
je vais aller en parler a mon école demain et voire se qu'eux en pensent.
l'adresse mail est : lamar.zhang42@gmail.com
Sérieusement, Kevin..
Réfléchis 2 min.. Un flic va te contacter en Anglais, depuis une adresse gmail (gmail censuré en Chine au passage)..
Arrête les frais.
We need job seekers who are natives of the above nationality, job seekers with valid passport and visa. If you are interested, you can email us on lamar.zhang42@gmail.com for more information.
OP => vas-y postule ! et dis lui que tu as un visa étudiant valide :)
Plus tard, tu le fais chanter et le menace de le dénoncer au PSB pour emploi de travailleurs illégaux...
Voici un printscreen d'un étrange email que je viens de trouver dans mes courriers indésirables.
Ca sent le scam à plein nez, surtout que je ne suis plus étudiant en Chine depuis 2006 (!).
Néanmoins, je pense que bcp d'étudiants peuvent être impressionnés par ce mail et éventuellement être victime de cette escroquerie. Peut-être pouvons nous tendre une sorte de piège à ces personnes et identifier les responsables. Le cas échéant, je pense que se faire passer pour la police en Chine doit être très lourdement puni, je l'espère en tout cas.
Serrons les coudes et travaillons ensemble afin de ne pas se faire avoir si facilement.
Bonne chance à tousemail chantage.jpg
Ne te formalise pas trop. Tu sais que c'est une connerie et ça ne va pas chercher bien loin.... L'adresse de la police en chinamail.com... Une personne sur le site a reçu le même mail que toi sauf qu'il était toujours en chine et il flippait un peu, ce que je peux comprendre.

Tous les jours je reçois des appels foireux sur le tel, faux policiers et autres, j'en ai débranché le fixe de la maison.... Et j'ai étoffé mon vocabulaire d'insultes grâce à ça.

Réponds pas et t'embêtes pas avec d'éventuelles poursuites tu n'en verras jamais le bout. Pour ce qui est de coincer les mecs, ok, mais pour faire quoi? Leur mettre une branlée? Leur dire que c'est pas bien?
Cool, ca fait un bail que je n'avais plus de scammeurs a enquiquiner.

Hesitez pas a balancer leur emails, qu'on se marre un peu :D
Hehe, je lui ai envoye un petit mail, j'espere qu'il va repondre, ca serait marrant :D

Dear China police patrol,

I received your email yesterday about the "attempt doing job with my student visa" problem (see hereunder).
First, I have to say that I'm very afraid and vulnerable, so I will agree to anything you say and just do it, because I'm just that kind of person who follows any kind of threat he receives.
This all started during my childhood, when I was an elementary school student. Whenever my teacher asked me to do something I agreed instantly. For example, he asked me once to do my homework otherwise I would be punished, and I did it. This is a true story to show you how much I follow the rules.

While I fully agree with what you say, I have to bring your attention on the fact that I cannot be deported easily, since I own a rabbit pet for a few month now. His name is Billy, and he is black with a little white mark near the left eye. If I have to be deported, then who will take care of Billy?
Two weeks ago, I was playing with him and telling him again how much I love him and how much my life would be meaningless if he was not there. Then I gonfle him a carrot and some leftover salami that I had left in my fridge for months. He's peacefully sleeping ever since, so I'm very quiet to not wake him up.

I think it should be against the law to deport a foreigner if he owns a pet, am I right?
If not, how many pets should I own to be safe?

Thanks in advance for your answer, I really hope we can solve this case as soon as possible.
I'll also discuss with Billy about this matter, to mentally prepare him in case we have any trouble. He's a very clever rabbit, I think he will understand.

Have a nice day, dear mister policeman, please help me.
Best Regards,

Danny Dugommier de la Poutre"
Dernière édition:
il y a quelques jours je m'amusais à envoyer des mails à des expats, et j'ai reçu ça :

Dear China police patrol,

I received your email yesterday about the "attempt doing job with my student visa" problem (see hereunder).
First, I have to say that I'm very afraid and vulnerable, so I will agree to anything you say and just do it, because I'm just that kind of person who follows any kind of threat he receives.
This all started during my childhood, when I was an elementary school student. Whenever my teacher asked me to do something I agreed instantly. For example, he asked me once to do my homework otherwise I would be punished, and I did it. This is a true story to show you how much I follow the rules.

While I fully agree with what you say, I have to bring your attention on the fact that I cannot be deported easily, since I own a rabbit pet for a few month now. His name is Billy, and he is black with a little white mark near the left eye. If I have to be deported, then who will take care of Billy?
Two weeks ago, I was playing with him and telling him again how much I love him and how much my life would be meaningless if he was not there. Then I gonfle him a carrot and some leftover salami that I had left in my fridge for months. He's peacefully sleeping ever since, so I'm very quiet to not wake him up.

I think it should be against the law to deport a foreigner if he owns a pet, am I right?
If not, how many pets should I own to be safe?

Thanks in advance for your answer, I really hope we can solve this case as soon as possible.
I'll also discuss with Billy about this matter, to mentally prepare him in case we have any trouble. He's a very clever rabbit, I think he will understand.

Have a nice day, dear mister policeman, please help me.
Best Regards,

Danny Dugommier de la Poutre"

vous croyez qu'il y a moyen que je l'extorque ?
J'y ai repensé après coup et si ma mémoire ne me fait pas défaut, cet e-mail me rappelle quelque chose vaguement. Je crois qu'on en a déjà parlé il y a quelques années, non ?
Hehe, je lui ai envoye un petit mail, j'espere qu'il va repondre, ca serait marrant :D

Dear China police patrol,

I received your email yesterday about the "attempt doing job with my student visa" problem (see hereunder).
First, I have to say that I'm very afraid and vulnerable, so I will agree to anything you say and just do it, because I'm just that kind of person who follows any kind of threat he receives.
This all started during my childhood, when I was an elementary school student. Whenever my teacher asked me to do something I agreed instantly. For example, he asked me once to do my homework otherwise I would be punished, and I did it. This is a true story to show you how much I follow the rules.

While I fully agree with what you say, I have to bring your attention on the fact that I cannot be deported easily, since I own a rabbit pet for a few month now. His name is Billy, and he is black with a little white mark near the left eye. If I have to be deported, then who will take care of Billy?
Two weeks ago, I was playing with him and telling him again how much I love him and how much my life would be meaningless if he was not there. Then I gonfle him a carrot and some leftover salami that I had left in my fridge for months. He's peacefully sleeping ever since, so I'm very quiet to not wake him up.

I think it should be against the law to deport a foreigner if he owns a pet, am I right?
If not, how many pets should I own to be safe?

Thanks in advance for your answer, I really hope we can solve this case as soon as possible.
I'll also discuss with Billy about this matter, to mentally prepare him in case we have any trouble. He's a very clever rabbit, I think he will understand.

Have a nice day, dear mister policeman, please help me.
Best Regards,

Danny Dugommier de la Poutre"
Tu t'appelles vraiment Danny? pas Daniel? :p
Lol, ce truc de fou, ils croient qu'on se fait prendre à ce jeu-là!!!
Vu le titre de ce sujet a l'origine ... Ils ont de bonnes raisons d'y croire. :(
Hehe, je lui ai envoye un petit mail, j'espere qu'il va repondre, ca serait marrant :D

Dear China police patrol,

I received your email yesterday about the "attempt doing job with my student visa" problem (see hereunder).
First, I have to say that I'm very afraid and vulnerable, so I will agree to anything you say and just do it, because I'm just that kind of person who follows any kind of threat he receives.
This all started during my childhood, when I was an elementary school student. Whenever my teacher asked me to do something I agreed instantly. For example, he asked me once to do my homework otherwise I would be punished, and I did it. This is a true story to show you how much I follow the rules.

While I fully agree with what you say, I have to bring your attention on the fact that I cannot be deported easily, since I own a rabbit pet for a few month now. His name is Billy, and he is black with a little white mark near the left eye. If I have to be deported, then who will take care of Billy?
Two weeks ago, I was playing with him and telling him again how much I love him and how much my life would be meaningless if he was not there. Then I gonfle him a carrot and some leftover salami that I had left in my fridge for months. He's peacefully sleeping ever since, so I'm very quiet to not wake him up.

I think it should be against the law to deport a foreigner if he owns a pet, am I right?
If not, how many pets should I own to be safe?

Thanks in advance for your answer, I really hope we can solve this case as soon as possible.
I'll also discuss with Billy about this matter, to mentally prepare him in case we have any trouble. He's a very clever rabbit, I think he will understand.

Have a nice day, dear mister policeman, please help me.
Best Regards,

Danny Dugommier de la Poutre"
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