
Membre Silver
21 Mar 2013
La Fête de la musique est née en France en 1982 afin de permettre aux musiciens amateurs et professionnels de jouer gratuitement dans la rue une fois par an, pour tout le monde, le 21 juin. C’est depuis devenu un événement international très populaire et Wuhan n’est pas en reste puisque c’est la première ville chinoise à avoir célébré la Fête de la musique en Chine, en 2007.
La Fête de la musique se déroule pendant 2 soirées, en plein sur les berges du Yangtsé avec une série de concerts gratuits. Le choix artistique est de proposer ce que la scène musicale indépendante fait de mieux en Chine et en Europe.

Tous sur les berges les 21 et 22 pour faire la fête en musique !

Date :
Vendredi 21 et samedi 22, 18h à 22h
621 + 2218-22

Lieu :
Berges du Yangtsé, Place Shi Zheng Guangchang, entrée au niveau « Wuhan Flood Protection Monument », à 500 m. de l’hôtel Howard Johnson

GRATUIT !!:super:

Programmation :

VENDREDI 21 Juin, à partir de 18h :

April Shower / France62119Pop Folk 流行民谣Are you ready for a French, four-piece, all-girl, ukulele-playing pop band? Of course you are! Practicing their cosmic folk songs for nearly four years, the young ladies of April Shower did not have to wait long before being spotted, winning the Fred Perry competition and reaching the finals of CQFD Inrocks the same year. Known for blending Turkish and Cuban musical instruments and even rapping in Portuguese, April Shower conjures loving memories of Coco Rosie and the brazilian Cibelle. Warm and innocent voices, hypnotic bass lines, minimalist drums and ukulele are the ingredients to this vibrant and joyful pop. Prepare to be seduced!你准备好迎接一个法国的,四人的,全部女生的, 尤克里里琴的,流行乐队了没?当然啦!排练了近四年的民谣,这些年轻的女孩没过多久就赢得了Fred Perry比赛大奖并在同年获得CQFD Inrocks的冠军。她们乐于接受异国文化,土耳其的,古巴的,甚至葡萄牙的乐器她们都纳入到自己的音乐中. April Shower 喜欢coco rosie组合和巴西女神Cibelle,温暖而天籁的嗓音,略带催眠意味的贝司,打击乐器能少便少, 尤克里里琴用量恰到好处,正如一份美味菜单的基础配料,让人深深沉醉其中!

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Girls in Hawaii
62120Indie rock Indie独立摇滚Girls in Hawaii’s somber psych-country indie style belies their home nation of Belgium, but this year sees the band – a decade into their existence – finally making the rest of the world stand up and take note of their talent. With two hit albums in Europe, sold out tours and famous festivals' invitations, Girls in Hawaii is undeniably the big deal. The group's heady blend of neo-psychedelic pop and alternative rock draws comparisons to Grandaddy, the Flaming Lips and Blonde Redhead. After a two-year-break, Girls in Hawaii is back with a new album and chose Wuhan as the site of their first comeback concert.Girls in Hawaii 的精神世界散发出忧郁的曲风,业已成为比利时的一种代表符号;而今年,伴随着进入乐队成立的第十个年头,乐队最终让世界看到了他们的音乐天赋。凭借着在欧洲发行两张唱片,巡回演出门票售罄,参加众多著名艺术节,Girls in Hawaii的商业价值无可否认。团队蕴含着很多奇妙的想法,他们的音乐让人联想到Grandaddythe Flaming LipsBlonde Redhead。沉寂两年后,Girls in Hawaii 带着他们的新唱片重回舞台,并选择武汉作为首战。

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Re-TROS重塑雕像的权利62121Post-punk后朋克Post-punk trio Re-TROS (Rebuilding the Rights of Statues) comes with the “International Rock Icons” seal of approval. During the recording of Cut Off! EP in New York in 2005, Brian Eno (Roxy Music) overheard them in the studio and decided to collaborate on three songs. They also toured with Leeds post-punk idols Gang of Four. Inspired by pioneers like Bauhaus, Joy Division and Gang of Four, their music is a renewal of post-punk incorporated with synthesizers and evocative melodies. Get ready for a spirited, eye-catching, dark and intoxicating live set you will never forget.
后朋克乐队 - “重塑雕像的权利”,这个广受认可的“国际摇滚乐团”来了!当他们2005 年在纽约录制首张EP唱片«CUT OFF»的时候,超级制作人Brian EnoRoxy Music前键盘手)听到他们的声音并决定与其合作三首歌。他们还和后朋克代表gang of four (四人帮)共同巡回演出。受Bauhaus, Joy Division Gang of Four的影响,他们的音乐是后朋克与冲击力旋律的融合。准备好迎接这个充满活力,视觉冲击力,略带阴郁并令人陶醉的现场Live表演吧,一定会让你难忘。

SAMEDI 22 Juin, à partir de 18h30 :

The Tree62219Folk / Indie民谣/ IndieBased in Hangzhou, folk trio The Tree is a breath of fresh air amongst the Chinese music scene. In this industrialized recording era, they recorded their self-titled first EP in six months with an 8-track recorder. Their second release, "Run To Sunshine", was produced with the financial support of Converse, who took the band to New York to record the EP at Rubber Track Studio. The Tree has more than one element that makes them outstanding, but the most notable is probably be Xu Jun’s deep voice. Taken together with The Tree’s ability to rock the crowd, their set is undeniably worth the sweat!“Run To Sunshine works to open new possibilities for The Tree” Layabozi.com来自于杭州的民谣三人组合The Tree 是中国乐团中的一缕清风。在这个商业化的年代,他们用8轨机花了六个月的时间录制了首张同名EPLien retiré。随后,他们得到美国纽约橡胶制造录音棚的资金支持,赴纽约录制了他们的第二张EP «Run To Sunshine»The tree 音乐中有趣的元素很多,但首当其中的当属主唱许钧低沉的嗓音。乐队的强大魅力足以让观众一起摇滚;现场演奏无疑将使乐队成员大汗淋漓,但这绝对值得!
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Fowatile is an imaginative music and record production team that has managed to channel its creations into an innovative live performance. Hitting the road alongside the greatest, Fowatile has built for itself an outstanding reputation on stage and at the helm of a unique concept of digital live performance. A freshly delivered Electro Hip Hop and live eletronics served with a massive sound. The whole played, mixed live and cranked out, as in the making of a vinyl turntablism ! With Janice in the Noise commanding the vocals, this concert is will a perfect representation of music al openness of our time.

Fowatile 乐团是一个富有想象力的创作型团队,他们尝试着去将创造性转变为一个创新的表演。Fowatile在舞台表演占有了一席之地,并创造了数字Live表演的概念。电子Hip Hop和电子Live表演以其冲击力震撼着观众。整表演好像在制作一张古老的黑胶唱片!加上Janice的声音,这场演唱会将会是我们这个时代音乐的最完美呈现。

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62221Electro / Indie 电子/IndieLed by 'Queen of Beijing Rock' Helen Feng, Nova Heart is one of the most dynamic and intriguing bands to come out of China in recent years. They played their first show in June 2011, released the Beautiful Boys EP this past spring, and have recently been touring China, America, and Europe. Nova Heart is riding a global wave of interest brought about by their 'mix of sexy psychedelic disco and lo-fi ethereal pop vocals'. The combination of odd electronic chord progressions and Helen's psychedelic-rock aura has created a sound that is beginning to gain international recognition. Her much talked about siren-like, stage presence gives the live show an unpredictable edge…Nova Heart, 北京摇滚皇后冯海宁率领,近几年在中国境外最活跃和最受欢迎的国内乐团之一 20116月是他们的首秀,而他们的首张EP «Beautiful Boys »也于去年春季正式发行,乐团近期在中国,美国和欧洲进行巡回演出。Nova heart 的曲风融合了小性感和略带神经质的disco,再掺入低调空灵的人声。怪诞的电子琴弦和海宁的迷幻摇滚组合创造出的声音在国际乐坛赢得关注。海宁多次提到汽笛般的声音,舞台的表演让现场演唱会呈现出不可思议的效果
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