Black Foreigner Fights Chinese Girl


Membre Gold
24 Juin 2008
live in Pontarlier, work in Lausanne
[h=1]Black Foreigner Fights Chinese Girl, Gives Crowd Middle Finger[/h] by Fauna on Monday, June 18, 2012 47 comments

From QQ & NetEase:
[h=2]Male foreign national has fight with girl on Nanjing street, is beaten up for giving bystanders the middle finger[/h] June 16th afternoon around 6:10pm, on the slow lane next to the Deji Plaza on Nanjing’s Zhongshan Road, a Chinese girl and a male foreign national got into a fight because of a minor traffic accident. This reporter came to understand that the minor traffic accident between the two was escalated by the male foreign national, that he raised his middle finger towards the surrounding urban residents, and some bystanders had a physical altercation with him. After the incident, Nanjing police quickly arrived and controlled the scene and took those involved away for investigation.
Numerous bystanders at the scene of the incident
After the incident, this Xiandai Kuaibao reporter very quickly arrived on the scene. At this time, the entire north-south slow lane next to Deji Plaza was stopped with some people even standing on the flower beds to in order to watch what was happening, and many people taking out their mobile phones to take photos.
A visible wound was behind the girl's ear, still bleeding.

Parked not far away was a police car and there were many police officers on the scene. A short-haired girl was surrounded by several people, with blood visible behind her left ear. Looking closely, there was an wound the shape of an arc, about 4-5 centimeters long, relatively deep, and was still bleeding.
To the side was a middle-aged woman, who apparently was the girl’s mother. She said the girl is surnamed Zhang, and that she herself rushed to the scene after the incident occurred. According to the girl’s mother, it was a “laowai” who hit her daughter. A blue colored electric moped was on its side in the middle of the road. City residents say this electric bike belongs to the “laowai” who attacked the girl. Afterward, the girl brought the police officers next to the electric bike, picked up an electric bike lock, and said she was hit and injured by this bike lock.
This reporter learned from the city residents on the scene that the male foreign national had already got on a police car and left the scene.
Wounded girl: He smacked me with the lock
The girl looks less than 20 years old. She says at the time she was riding her electric moped in front and that laowai was riding behind his moped behind her and then the two bumped into each other.
Whether or not the girl suddenly braked or changed directions, the girl didn’t say. She claims that after the bump, the laowai‘s mouth was immediately filled with expletives.
Hearing this, she turned around, looked at him, and yelled back at him in Nanjing dialect. Then the laowai hit the back of her moped and overtook her on the side, but while overtaking her, he turned towards her and spat on her.
The girl says she then followed suit and spat on him once, “then I was preparing to leave, but he then used his moped to block me.” The girl says the other party very quickly then picked up the moped lock on his moped and swung it at her, hitting her behind her ear.
There were many witnesses on the scene and one woman who says she work at a shopping mall on Xinjiekou was very upset, “It wasn’t a big deal, just a bump, the laowai went too far.” She says that the girl didn’t hit back after she was hurt, and the laowai began calling friends. The girl grabbed onto the laowai‘s belt and wouldn’t let go, not allowing him to leave, and also called to tell her family.
The male foreign national and the girl still in a deadlock.

Police: The girl might have gotten injured during the pushing and pulling
So just what exactly happened? The members of the crowd that this reporter spoke to weren’t very sure themselves of what exactly had happened, although they saw that the girl was wounded and bleeding, and someone said the laowai was yelling at people in English.
A female city resident told this reporter that when she arrived at the scene, there were several male city residents surrounding that laowai, with one of them hitting him with a bike lock, while a rather tall white person was next them trying to break it up. During this time, the laowai that was being attacked wanted to run towards the Xinjiekou rotary but was blocked by others.
Yesterday evening, this Xiandai Kuaibao reporter contacted the Xinjiekou police station and the police said that according to their preliminary investigations, the two mopeds had indeed bumped into each other.
After the collision, the laowai glared at the girl, and the girl was also rather incensed, picked up the lock on her moped to hit the laowai only to have the laowai reach other and grab her arm, pull it backward, and pulled the girl down. The girl’s injury was probably caused during this scuffle.
Male foreign national raised his middle finger, beaten up by city residents
The police say that after the confrontation, there were many bystanders on the scene, and some mistaken fights also occurred involving other city residents rushing forward to beat up the laowai. However, the assailants very quickly left the scene.
According to a security guard on the scene, when this laowai was taken away by the police car, there was blood around his nose. Many city residents said the laowai raised his middle finger at the surrounding crowd. This provocation made the surrounding crowd very angry. They believe that regardless of what happened, this laowai should not have made such a disrespectful gesture towards other people. A relatively older city resident said those who had gone up to attack the >laowai were male and fortunately the other side’s friend was present to quickly put a stop to it, with the police arriving soon afterward, preventing the situation from escalating further. This reporter learned that at present, this matter is still being investigated.
Beaucoup de colportage encore, j'espere qu'on en apprendra plus sur la verite. Avec un peu de chance, ca a ete filme par une camera...
am on avis rien de terrible....
juste un accrochage entre deux vélos...
la gonzesse est devenue hysterique (et surement qu elle etait en tort), les badaux se sont amenés et le black a perdu son sang froid...
pas de quoi fouetter un chat!
The police say that after the confrontation, there were many bystanders on the scene, and some mistaken fights also occurred involving other city residents rushing forward to beat up the laowai. However, the assailants very quickly left the scene.

Ca me rappelle exactement mon histoire. Des mecs qui veulent casser du laowai sans meme savoir ce qu'il a fait et ensuite deguarpissent comme des rats. On ne saura jamais ce qu'il s'est vraiment passe et de toute facon l'histoire sera toujours a charge contre le laowai. Je sens que cette haine envers les laowai va mal finir et tant qu'il n'y aura pas eu de morts le gouvernement n'apaisera pas les choses.
j'aurais aimé lire cet article quelques jours plus tôt, j'ai fait la connerie de m'acheter un vélo samedi après-midi et samedi soir j'ai été percuté à un croisement par un taxi dans la concession, lui il n'a pas pris le temps de s'arrêter, moi j'ai eu beaucoup de bol, un peu sonné et à peine quelques égratignures, mon vélo lui est mort sur le coup... heureusement que j'ai pris un pas trop cher.

bref, tant que les chinois seront en mode bubulle dès qu'ils sont aux commandes d'un e-bike ou d'une voiture, je vais me contenter du métro et de mes souliers pour me déplacer.
En tout cas, c'est toujours l'étranger en tort... depuis le problème avec l'anglais... ce genre d'articles fluorisent....
peu importe qui a tord au départ, de toute façon ce sera de la faute a l’étranger et il va payer bien cher.
A noter que pour les Chinois la police/les forces de l'ordre prenne toujours le parti de l'étranger, cf les commentaires
quelques commentaires habituels de chinois "nationalistes"

hedawu [网易浙江省湖州市网友]:
All the black devils living long-term, get the fuck out of China!!! [repeated 15x]
网易美国手机网友: (responding to above)
Strongly support [agree]!!! The area around Taojin Road and Xiaobei Road has essentially become an African colony!!! And there are so many woman even giving money to those black devils!!!
Beat him up! These laowai need to be taught a lesson, need to be taught what having manners means.
Recommend that those who attacked the foreign devil be found, and give them an award for doing the right thing.

Les commentaires laisses par les chinois font peur n_n'

Il a du bien se faire baiser comme il faut "l'Étranger" alors qu'il n'était pas forcement en tord a la base.

Et honnêtement, qui d'entre nous n'a jamais eu envie de molester une conductrice chinoise qui a un comportement complétement "je m'en foutiste" sur la route?
quelques commentaires habituels de chinois "nationalistes"

hedawu [网易浙江省湖州市网友]:
All the black devils living long-term, get the fuck out of China!!! [repeated 15x]
网易美国手机网友: (responding to above)
Strongly support [agree]!!! The area around Taojin Road and Xiaobei Road has essentially become an African colony!!! And there are so many woman even giving money to those black devils!!!
Beat him up! These laowai need to be taught a lesson, need to be taught what having manners means.
Recommend that those who attacked the foreign devil be found, and give them an award for doing the right thing.

Bah on a le meme probleme en France avec les gens qui n'arrivent pas a lire l article dans l integralite, et leur rengaine a 2 francs 6 sous sur l'etranger.
A mon sens le seul remede a cette betise, pour nos "communautes" de laowai (blanches comme noir comme arabe ou autre), est de s'occuper de nos mauvaises herbes et de faire le plus de "bien visible".
Et ca implique aussi s'integrer ET ne pas vivre en communaute...

Autre principe de base: on ne conduit pas en chine! c'est vraiment chercher les embrouilles.. ;-)
Dernière édition:
C'est vrai que c'etait important de preciser pour cette histoire tellement trepidante que le mechant laowai etait noir ;-)
Pour nous les actes d'incivilite commencent par exemple lorsqu'une voiture ne laisse pas passer un pieton, ce qui n'a aucune importance en Chine, a partir de la on part sur des referentiels completements differents, la ou nous voyons le verre a moitie plein, d'autres le voient a moitie vide...
Bref, un fait divers comme il s'en passe tant tous les jours entre Chinois, fait divers coleporte par qqes moutons Chinois qui n'ont aucune vie sociale, en attendant ca les occupe ;-)
Autre principe de base: on ne conduit pas en chine! c'est vraiment chercher les embrouilles.. ;-)

Si l'on en vient là, alors, pourquoi pas tout simplement ne plus venir en Chine ... ;-)

Je sens honnêtement que l'on est en train d'atteindre une limite et le jour où (malheureusement) un laowei ne va pas survivre à un tabassage en règle, se rapproche à grands pas ... (Peut être est-ce même arrivé)

Mais honnêtement, comme le dit Guyong, on a des excités du clavier avec 3 neurones également en France ... Tous les chinois heureusement n'ont pas cette attitude ...
plein, d'autres le voient a moitie vide...

Scientifiquement parlant, le verre ne peut être à moitié vide ... 50% d'eau, 50% d'air ... Plein à 100%

Mouai bof...l'article vient de chinasmack, donc que ce soit les commentaires traduits ou ceux de l'article en question, ca vole generalement pas tres haut. C'est une sorte de condensé de ce qui se fait de pire a ce niveau.
Faire un article sur une news pareil prouve bien que leur site est devenu bien raccoleur.
Bah on a le meme probleme en France avec les gens qui n'arrivent pas a lire l article dans l integralite, et leur rengaine a 2 francs 6 sous sur l'etranger.
A mon sens le seul remede a cette betise, pour nos "communautes" de laowai (blanches comme noir comme arabe ou autre), est de s'occuper de nos mauvaises herbes et de faire le plus de "bien visible".
Et ca implique aussi s'integrer ET ne pas vivre en communaute...

Autre principe de base: on ne conduit pas en chine! c'est vraiment chercher les embrouilles.. ;-)

Completement d'accord...
Wouaip En France aussi nous avons ce genre de journal qui peut aussi servir de torchon. Avec les mêmes personnes qui cache derrière leur PC écrivent leur haine du monde.

Il ne faut pas tomber dans la psychose non plus...
Les tabassages en règle entre chinois il y en a tout les jours rien qu'a regarder youku ou autre,.
Le lynchage fait parti de la culture du pays (Comme dans beaucoup d'autre)... icon_evil2
Le laowai a juste découvert une autre facette de la culture chinoise.
effectivement, je pense que "ne pas conduire en chine "est une base de survie!
ici il n est pas question d etre integré ou pas, il est question de survie!on risque a tout moment de se faire renverser par un bus, un velo , une moto ou un camion!rouler ici c est tenter le diable!!!!!c est deja assez dangeureux comme ca d etre pieton!

question nationalisme if faut rester comprehensif:
le gouvernement dit aux chinois qu ils sont les plus forts, les plus civilisés, les meilleurs etc etc...
les chinois le croient comme ils n ont que tres peu l occasion de se rendre compte de ce qui se passe dans les autres pays du niveau réél de leur pays face a l etranger!

c est tout...