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  1. A

    Sortir en semaine !!

    Les aventuriers de la night ! Ce que je peux vous proposer c'est de venir à une petite sauterie étudiante que j'organise le 2 décembre :) >>>>>>> Students, you take over The Box next Thursday, December 2nd! It's your night out, so enjoy RMB 100 open bar and special guest DJ Bing. Bring your...
  2. A

    PARTY PLANNER Tired of seeing the same people out on Saturday night? At...

    PARTY PLANNER Tired of seeing the same people out on Saturday night? At Arobase-Communication, we understand how you feel and that’s why we organize all kinds of private parties! Need a DJ, special entertainment (body painting, Brazilian dancers, fire jugglers), dinner, a fancy car, a...